Guinea Porc#1 (Seeing as I will take the plunge first)
3/23/2012 05:19:41 am

As always lovely photos of special memories, Magnolia dell still lovely, are Peter Pan and Wendy still there? Ouma Anne and Oupa Cecil used to take me there when I was little , I took you you guys there when you were little to sail little wooden boats, The guide book calls Pretoria zoo one of the best or biggest in the world(?)
Maybe D and I need to move to Pretoria to figure how to discipline kids;-) Lovely tame cat shots, Lovely band shots !! Were you terrorizing that cub?! Did you see Mrs Ples or is she in some Museum somewhere? And yes please, I would love a cup of tea

Guinea Porc's friend
3/24/2012 03:35:15 am

oops - commented on the photos under the text so will now comment about the text here ... we could certainly do with a few pointers on how to discipline a group of (only 8 to 14) children. Perhaps the teachers threatened to throw the children to the lions. We would be sued if we threatened anything like that here. Whole thing looks like a seen from Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? Enjoy last few days. Looking forward to seeing you soon. xxx


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